S M I R D I N Alexander Filipovič

1795 - 1857

Book seller and publisher in Peterburg

Prague: National Library - The Slavonic Library - 11.000 volumes

Charakteristics and history: fragment of the library  - Russian literature from 18th century and the first half of the 19th century. The bookshop of Smirdin used to be in its time a significant centre of the Russian intelectual community therefor the printed catalog of this library is a significant bibliografic source of the Russian literature on turn of 18th and 19th century. In 1879 was the library transported from Peterburg to Riga. The library (11.262 titles) was purchased by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic (with assistance of the Slavonic Institute). The Slavonic Library was triing to reconstruct the library by embedding of new volumes on place of the ones which were missing, but it showed to be unpossible and the reconstruction didn´t continue.  


Národní knihovna ČR. Národní knihovna ČR  [online]. Praha: Národní knihovna, 2006 [cit. 2009-11-05]. Slovanská knihovna. Z významných sbírek. Available from WWW: <http://www.klementinum.cz/pages/page.php3?page=slov_vyznamne_sbirky.htm>.