D E S T I N N O V Á Ema, real name - Emilie Kittlová

1878 - 1930

Czech opera singer, writer, author of poems, prose and novels

Prague:  KNM - 201 works  in 259 volumes; once 7000 volumes, another estimate 15.000 volumes

Characteristics: alchemy, astrology, witchcraft, witch processes, books on herbs, cookbooks, travel books, classical literature, legends, fairy tales, medicine. Furthemore revolutionary writings, occultism, gallant and romantic literature mainly French and German, spiritualistic, adventurous and spooky writings, myths, historical textbooks. Authors such as: Boccacio, Cervantes, DeFoe, Le Sage, Racine. Unique fabric and leather book bindings, bindings made of satin, half-leather, brocade (purple), linen, parchment, paper, gild, colorful skin. Pencil underlining, reader notes, 4 types of exlibris with decadent motifs, stored in the original furniture, library catalog (over 3000 old books). Obtained probably in 1949 as a seized property, added to the list in 1966. Printed catalog; the library is included in Central Registry of Ministry of Culture of Czech Rep. Collections.


ANTONÍN, L. Knihovna Emy Destinnové. Tvar.  2005, roč. 16, č. 14, s. 15.

BAJEROVÁ, M. O Emě Destinnové. Praha: Vyšehrad, 1980.

BAJEROVÁ, M. Zlomek knihovny Emy Destinnové. Sborník NM. 1976, řada C, sv. XXI, č. 2. s . 69-112.

BAJEROVÁ, M. Katalog knihovny E. Destinnové. Sborník NM. 1976, sv. 21, č. 2.

CHALOUPKA, D. Soukromá knihovna Emy Destinnové. Praha: s. n., 1966. s . 69-112.

KHEL, R. „Budovala svou knihovnu s velikou láskou..." Poselství papíru. Praha: Karolinum, 1999. s. 296-298.