C H A P M A N   C A T T   Carrie

1859 - 1947

American feminist,  the president of the National American Woman Suffrage Assocation (NAWSA)

Washington, D.C. (USA): Library of Congress - originally 6.487 volumes

Charakteristika: Chapman Catt donated her "feminist library" to the Library of Congress on behalf of her organization. Formerly the NAWSA's reference collection includes volumes from the libraries of Susan B. Anthony, Alice Stone Blackwell, Julia Ward Howe, Mary A. Livermore, Elizabeth Smith Miller, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone, and other reformers.


The Library of Congress. The Library of Congress [online]. Washington (D.C.): The Library of Congress, [2009] [cit. 2009-10-02]. Rare book and Special Collections Reading Room. Carrie Chapman Catt Collection. Available from WWW:  http://www.loc.gov/rr/rarebook/coll/043.html.