M A S A R Y K Tomáš Garrigue

1850 - 1937

Czech philosopher, writer, first president of Czechoslovakia

Prague: Library of Masaryk Institute - originally 100.000 volumes, now enriched. Part in the museum of TGM in Lány

Characteristics: located in depositary in Klatovy. After Masaryk´s death, the library was offered by Alice Masaryková to the library of Národní Muzeum in Prague, from where it was after three years moved to the newly established Masaryk Institute of Academy of Science of Czech Republic. It contains philosophical, scientific, linguistic and political writings, fiction - Russian, French and German prose. It consists of books written in Czech, English, French, German and Russian. The library contains a large number of notes in Masaryk's hand writing, lot of observations, underlining, comments in the text and on the edges of pages. The library can be accessed on demand at the Masaryk Institute. Part of it is in private ownership.



FRÄNKL, P. Masaryk a literatura. Literární rozhledy. 1929-30, XIV, s. 189-194.

ODSTRČIL, O. J. Obrázky v knihovně presidenta T. G. Masaryka. Praha : V.J. Tachecí, 1930. 18 s.   

ODSTRČIL, O. Masarykova knihovna. Masarykův sborník IV, Vůdce generací, 2. Praha: Čin, 1930-1931, s. 424, 434.

President v zrcadle své knihovny. Národní sjednocení. 1935, č. 4.

První knižní aukce „Orbisu". Vitrinka. 1929-1927, roč. IV, s. 130-131.

ŠKRACH, V.K. Masaryk čtenář a spisovatel. Literární rozhledy. 1927, XI, s. 249-250.

MĚDÍLEK, B. Klementinské osudy Masarykovy knihovny. Čtenář. 1996, č. 48, s. 321-323.