J O Y C E James

Irish prosaist and poet 


Bufallo, NY (USA): University of Bufallo - Lockwood Memorial Library - 467 volume

Charakteristics and history: dictionaries, books dedicated to Joyce, serials (among all there is eighteen magazines from August 1929). Volumes which shows Joyce´s interest: Matharan´s "Casus de matrimonio fere quingenti quibus applicat et per quos explicat sua asserta moralia circa randem materiím", Tolstoy´s "Essays end letters",   "Maya der indische Mythus" of Heinrich Zimmer and Allan Kardec´s books about spiritism. Books are written in English, German, French and Latin. Author such as: Richard Aldington, Jane Austen, Padraic Colum (among all his "Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy" from 1918), C.K. Ogden (linguistic books about English), G.B. Shaw, W.B.Yeats, Ezra Pound, Henrik Ibsen and T.S.Eliot. More than half of the library consist of theory: history of Irland, topography of Dublin, linguistics, oriental literature, history of British literature. Corresponding with Joyce´s interests are books dealing with English of various periods, books about English and Irish music, translations of Homer´s Ulysses and Illad. There are also volumes of Joyce´s coevals about Joyce´s work (essp. the ones refering to his Ulysses) and his biographies .Hand written inscriptions in English and French in a few books of the library. The collection came together with some other inheritance to the University of Bufallo Library in 1950.


CONNOLLY, T. The Personal Library of Jamese Joyce, a descriptive bibliography. Buffalo: University of Bufallo, 1955.