R U Ś K I E W I C Z Tomasz

1867 - 1926

Polish engineer and elektrotechnician

Prague: National Library, Dep. The Slavonic Library - for now undefined number of volumes

Charakteristics: library is focussed on Polish memoirs and historic literature of 19th and the beginning of 20th century, memoirs and documents related to the Polish revolts included. Valuable are some voluminous works as the one written by Adam Naruszewicz "Historia narodu polskiego" (published in Leipzig in 1836-1837), by Kasper Niesiecký "Herbarz polski" (published in Leipzig in 1839-1845), Teodor Żychlińský´s  "Złota księga szlachty polskiej" (published in Poznan in 1879-1889) or "Słownik geograficzny" of Królestw Polski (published in Varsaw in 1880-1902).  


Národní knihovna ČR. Národní knihovna ČR  [online]. Praha: Národní knihovna, 2006 [cit. 2009-11-05]. Slovanská knihovna. Z významných sbírek. Available from WWW: <http://www.klementinum.cz/pages/page.php3?page=slov_vyznamne_sbirky.htm>.