Personal libraries > Personal library of Božena Němcová > Books with remarkable rememberances of their owner

Personal library of Božena Němcová

Books with remarkable rememberances of their owner

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Wien: B.Ph.Bauer, 1816. 173 p.
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Leipzig: Wiedmann´sche Buchhandlung, 1840. 196 p.
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Leipzig: J.J.Weber, 1851. 144 p.
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Praha: České museum, W komisií u Kronbergra a Řiwnáče, 1847. 320 p.
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Leipzig: Philipp Reclam jun., 1846. 201 p.
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Leipzig: Carl Cnobloch, 1844. 118 p.
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Aarau: Sauerländer, 1856. 144 p.
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