Personal library of Mikoláš Aleš

Zap, Karel Wladislav
Průwodce po Praze. Praha: Bedřich Krečmar, 1848. 333 p.
Size: 12x18 cm.
Location of the book: Library of The Museum of Czech Literature, Praha, Book collection of M. Aleš.
The book contains some drawings of the fly-leaf and lifted pastedown. Aleš probably captured here in pictures what he saw in Prague after his comming to Prague in 1869 for studies. It contains also a sketch reminding an ex-libris with a heron made later by Aleš and given to Emanuel Svoboda. Drawings and signature of M.Aleš. Broken binding
covercover drawingsdrawings
drawings IIdrawings II drawing and signaturedrawing and signature
drawings IIIdrawings III